In-Person Class Questionnaire

Help Make an In-Person Class

In-person classes are being formed! Currently, we are looking at holding sessions either in Portland, Maine, and Windham, Maine. Please fill in this form if you wish to be notified when classes will be starting, and please mention your background, and preferences. Thank you!

Your Name:

Your Email Address:

Are you a beginner, or how long have you played?

Which location do you prefer, Portland, Westbrook, or Windham, Maine?

Would you like a rental violin provided, or would you rather bring your own?

What days/times are convenient for you?

Optional: It is recommended to include your phone number below, or be sure to check your spam folder if you have not received a reply within two business days.

Optional: Are there styles or types of music would you like to learn?

Optional: Is there anything else you would like to share?

Please type the letters you see more clearly: 
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